Industry Interactions
The basic objective of education in professional courses is to groom the young students to perform efficiently and effectively so that they can be gainfully employed. With employment of right candidates, the industry can register growth and the GDP can clock a steady increase over a period of time.

To ensure synchronization between the needs of the industry and the status of employability of the students pursuing higher education, it is essential to frequently interact with the industry and find out the gaps between the needs and the capabilities so that timely corrective actions can be taken. As the business environment changes rapidly, specially with the advent of globalization and phenomenal increase in connectivity, sustenance and growth depends upon the extent to which the corporate sector is abreast with the latest updates.
Hence, in this dynamic business universe, the industry should inform the academia about the latest innovations practices in respective fields of operation. The academic institutions should take advantage of the precious information and ensure adaptation of appropriate teaching learning process. This is the significance of industry - institute interface.

We at Sanskriti, recognize the importance of such interface and accordingly corporate meets are organized where the corporate leaders are invited to the Sanskriti Campus. These leaders interact with the faculty members and update them about the demands of the industry and advise the academic fraternity about the extent of improvements, specially in practical aspects, required to make the students employable. Such corporate meets are intended to deliberate on effective use of strategies for taking advantage of emerging global opportunities for the students of engineering, management and other streams.
Corporate meets are organized atleast twice in a year at Sanskriti campus for interacting with the Chief Executives of all industrial set ups and organizations in the vicinity covering Mathura, Agra, Kosi Kalan etc. The purpose of such meets is to exchange notes with the corporate leaders regarding the business environment, the industrial health of different sectors, long term plans, recruitment policy, training facilities and various other matters of interest to Sanskriti University. Opinions/comments of different leaders are given due weightage and analyzed for charting out the action plan regarding incorporation of certain contemporary topics in the syllabus, arrangement of industrial training and industrial visits, placement opportunities, HR policies of different corporates etc. Leaders of the corporate sector are briefed about the happening at Sanskriti University - teaching-learning process, virtual labs, incubation cell, NPTEL lectures etc. The management of Sanskriti University also discusses with the corporate leaders about the progressive growth plan that can be designed for skill development and enhancement of employability.