Examination Rules
- An Academic Year is a period of nearly 12 months devoted to completion of requirements specified in the Scheme of Teaching and related examinations.
- Semester System - a programme wherein each academic year is apportioned into two semesters.
- Course means a component of the academic programme, carrying a distinctive code no. and specific credits assigned to it.
- IE - Internal Examinations.
- SEE - Semester End Examination.
- COE - Controller of Examinations.
Eligibility to appear in the examination
- Examinations of the University shall be open to regular students who have undergone a course of study in the University, for a period specified for that programme of study in the Scheme of Teaching & Examination and Syllabi.
- A student may be debarred from appearing in the Semester End Examinations. Attendance Criteria for taking Semester End Examinations is as follows :
Attendance between 75% and 100% - Eligible to take the Examination
Students having Attendance below 75% will be allowed only in exceptional circumstances with the approval of the competent authority.
- If a student fails to write any Quiz (due to ill-health or any valid/casual reason), no re-Quiz will be conducted and zero marks will be awarded for that quiz.
- If a student fails to write an Internal Exam, the student will lose the 15% weightage given to the Internal Exam. No re-exam will be conducted again to compensate the loss.
- After evaluation of Internal Examination answer scripts, they will be shown to students by their respective course faculty. Any discrepancy will be corrected then and there.
- Students desirous of re-check their SEE answer scripts have to apply to COE through Dean for the same within a week from the date of publication of results by paying the prescribed fee.
- There is no provision for re-checking in case of Lab/Practical exams, Student Project viva-voce exam or Seminar/Design/Mini-project courses.
- The final grades awarded to each subject will be announced by the COE and the same will be made available to students through the internet and Grade Sheet will be issued for each semester.
- In order to arrive at the letter grades based on relative performance, the total marks in a particular course for all the students in the class of more than 30 students shall be tabulated as per the prescribed guidelines.
- If the marks obtained by a student of a class of more than 30 students are not close to normal distribution curve, the marks awarded to a student in a Course Unit shall be transformed into a normal distribution curve by using Statistical Method in accordance with Table B to ensure the uniformity in spread of scores regardless of the nature of curricular areas.
- The mean (x) and the standard deviation (s) of marks obtained of all the students in a course shall be calculated and the grades shall be awarded to a student depending upon the marks and the mean and the standard deviation as per table B.
- In a class of student up to 30, the minimum cut off for various grades shall be assessed as given in Table C.
- In the case of Non-credit and Audit Courses which are not reckoned for assessment of SGPA and CGPA, the students shall be awarded "ACP" (Audit Course Passed) Grade for satisfactory performance and "ACF" (Audit Course Failed) Grade for unsatisfactory performance.
- The Semester performance of a student will be indicated as "Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA). The SGPA will be weighted average of Grade Points of all letter grades received by a student for all the Course units in the semester. The formula for Computing SGPA is given below :
- Where C1,C2,C3 denote credits associated with courses taken by the Student and G1,G2,G3 are the Grade Point of the letter grades awarded in the respective Course. An example of these calculations is given below :
- In the case of Trimester or Annual system of evaluation of students performance, trimester grade points average (TGPA) or Annual Grade Points Average(AGPA) shall be assessed as per above guidelines.
- In final Grade Card will indicate Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA) which shall be calculated as above and shall be based only on Grade Points obtained in courses for which units have been earned.
- Conversions from Grade Points Average to percentages of marks do not have rigor or rationale. However, an approximate and indicative equivalence between CGPA and percentage of marks can be assessed by simple mathematical calculation i.e. CGPA multiplied by 10.
- In the case of those students who appear/re-appear/repeat course units with the next batch of students or in supplementary examination, the conversion of numerical marks into grades shall be done with reference to the histogram/ guidelines prepared for their original examination and not with reference to the histogram /guidelines prepared for the students of next batch.
- The student must score a minimum Grade 'D' in each course unit.
- Minimum qualifying marks for all diploma programmes will be 35 and Undergraduate & Post Graduates programmes will be 40.
- The successful candidates shall be placed in Divisions as below :
- The minimum & maximum period required for completion of a programme shall be as specified in the Scheme of Teaching and Examination and Syllabi for concerned programme and approved by the Competent Authorities of the University and also as prescribed by the Statutory Councils / Bodies.
- The maximum permissible period for completing a programme up to two academic years shall be n+1 academic year (two semesters) and for the programme of more than two academic years duration, the maximum permissible period shall be n+2 academic years (four semesters), where "n" represents the minimum duration of the programme.
- provided he/she has earned total 45% or more credits after rounding off to the next higher integer on the basis of the results of a particular academic year and in addition, he/she has earned CGPA of 4.5 or more. A student failing to satisfy this requirement shall have to repeat the entire academic year including the courses in which he/she has earned full credit after paying the prescribed fees.
- A student shall not be promoted to the third academic year of the programme if he/she has not earned full credits of all the courses of first academic year, and, in addition satisfied the requirement under 1 above.
- A student shall not be promoted to the fourth academic year of the programme if he/she has not earned full credits of all the courses of second academic year, and, in addition satisfied the requirement under 1 above.
- The maximum permissible period for completing a programme for which the prescribed programme duration is n semesters, shall be (n + 4) semesters for the programmes of the duration of three years or more than three years and (n + 2) semester for the programmes of the duration of two or less than two years. All the programme requirements shall have to be completed in (n + 4) / (n + 2) semesters, as the case may be.
- A student shall be awarded a degree/diploma if:
- He/she has registered himself/ herself, undergone the entire programme of studies in any one of the University's Schools of Studies and has successfully completed the same.
- There are no dues outstanding in his/her name to a School of the University; and no disciplinary action is pending against him/her.
- If a student has been awarded F grade or absent in any of the theory or practical component or their Examination Cancelled due to any reason or ACF grade, he/she shall have to take the opportunity to take the examination with Odd and Even semester regular students. Internal awards will remain the same.
- Debarred students are required to re-register themselves by paying the prescribed fees for the course in which they have been debarred and will attend classes with the next batch of students to undertake the deficient studies. These students will be attached to the concerned faculty to take special classes or through self study under the faculty guidance to study the course and clear the internal examinations. Their Semester End Examination will be held with the Odd and Even semester of the next batch.
- Special Supplementary Examination (SSE) will be announced for final year students. In exceptional circumstances, Vice-Chancellor may allow to conduct SSE for junior batches also.
- Theory component : The student shall take supplementary examination of 3 hours duration, of 100 marks, covering entire syllabus. All the internal assessments of the student shall be used as regular result.
- Practical component : The student shall take practical supplementary examination of 50 marks, covering the entire list of practicals performed during the semester. All the internal assessments of the student shall be used as regular result.
- NOTE : Irrespective of the performance of the student in the re-appear / Special Supplementary examination, the maximum Grade awarded shall be B Grade for each course.
- Writing name or putting signature or any other mark in the Answer Sheet which may disclose, in any way, the identity of the candidate or writing Roll No. in Answer Sheet at a place other than the space provided for it.
- Found sitting in a room or at a seat other than the allotted one without permission / knowledge of the Centre Superintendent.
- Having in his / her possession of book(s), notes, papers or any other like material connected with the examination, if open book system is not applicable.
- Receiving or giving assistance in copying or in any other form during the course of the examination.
- Smuggling in or out of the examination hall of Answer Sheet in whole or part or tampering with it in any way.
- Using abusive/derogatory language orally or in writing in the Answer Sheet against the Centre Superintendent /Examiner/Invigilator or threatening/using violence towards Centre Superintendent/ Invigilators.
- Impersonation, i.e. sending some other person to take the examination.
- Communicating with the examiner or any other person connected with the examination for favour.
- Any other type of misconduct or a deliberate previous arrangement to cheat in the examination.
- Unethical and unlawful conduct with the faculty and staff involved in the conduct of examination.
- Any other case of Unfair Means detected at any stage during or after the examination.
Assessment/ Evaluation
Type of Evaluation | Max. marks for which the exam is conducted | Net Weightage |
IE-I | 50 marks | 15% |
IE-II | 50 marks | 15 % |
Quizzes / Assignments / Surprise Tests / Presentations / Seminars / Workshops / Any other Academic Activities related to the Programme. | Each quiz will be conducted for a minimum of 20 marks and will be converted accordingly / In the form of a report, seminar, presentation, quiz, experiment, etc. as defined in the course syllabus/ course plan | 10% |
Attendance |
10% |
SEE | 100 marks | 50 % |
Total | 100 marks |
Attendance Marks Table
S.No. | Attendance (in %) | Marks Awarded |
1. | 95% and above | 10 |
2. | 90% and above,< 95% | 9 |
3. | 85% and above,< 90% | 8 |
4. | 80% and above,< 85% | 7 |
5. | Above 75% ,< 80% | 6 |
6. | Equal to 75% | 5 |
Absence from an Exam
Copying/ Use of Unfair Means in Exams
If a student indulges in copying or any use of unfair means in any of the Internal or Semester End Examinations written in that period shall deem to have been cancelled and zero marks will be awarded in the specific course.
Perusal/ Re-checking of Evaluated Answer Scripts
Distribution of Weightage:
The distribution of weightage for various components of evaluation in Bachelor's degree/Master's degree shall be as under :
(a) Semester-end examination | 50% | |
(b) IE - I & IE - II | 30% | |
(c) Continuous evaluation by the teacher + Attendance (10% + 10%) | 20% | |
(a) Semester-end examination | 50% | |
(b) Continuous evaluation by the teachers Including attendance | 40%+10% = 50% | |
(a) Assessment By External Examiner | 60% | |
(b) Assessment by Internal Examiner | 40% |
The scores of internal and external assessments are added for conversion into a Letter Grade as follows :
Grade | Qualitative Meaning | Grade Point Attached |
A+ | Outstanding | 10 |
A | Excellent | 9 |
B+ | Very Good | 8 |
B | Good | 7 |
C+ | Above Average | 6 |
C | Average | 5 |
D | Border Line | 4 |
F | Fail | 0 |
DE | Debarred from writing the SEE due to lack of attendance | 0 |
WH | Acts of indiscipline till the decision is arrived | 0 |
AB | Absent in SEE | 0 |
ACP | Audit Course Pass. Grades obtained are not considered in the calculation of CGPA or SGPA. | 0 |
ACF | Audit Course Fail. Grades obtained are not considered in the calculation of CGPA or SGPA. | 0 |
Conversion of numerical marks into letter grades:
Relative Grading formula | Letter Grade |
Total Marks > (Mean + 1.5σ) with a minimum of 90% total marks | A+ |
Total Marks > (Mean + 1.0σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean + 1.5σ) with minimum of 80% upto 90% | A |
Total Marks > (Mean - 0.5σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean + 1.0σ) | B+ |
Total Marks > (Mean - 0.5σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean + 0.5σ) | B |
Total Marks > (Mean – 1.0 σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean - 0.5σ) | C+ |
Total Marks > (Mean - 1.5σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean - 1.0 σ) | C |
Total Marks > (Mean - 2.0σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean - 1.5σ) | D |
Total Marks <= (Mean - 2.0σ) | F |
Grade | Qualitative Value of Grade | Minimum Percentage of marks for letter Grade for PG & UG Programmes |
A+ | Outstanding | Above 95 |
A | Excellent | 85 – 94 |
B+ | Very Good | 75 – 84 |
B | Good | 65 – 74 |
C+ | Above Average | 55 – 64 |
C | Average | 45 – 54 |
D | Border Line | 40 – 44 (For All UG & PG Programmes) 35 – 44 (for All Diploma Programmes) |
F | Fail | Less than or equal to 39 (For UG & PG Programmes) Less than or equal to 34 (For Diploma Programmes) |

Course Code |
Associated Course Unit Credits |
Grade Awarded |
Credits earned |
Grade Point |
Point Secured |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
MAL 101 |
4 |
C |
4 |
5 |
20 |
CSL 102 |
4 |
C |
4 |
5 |
20 |
PHP 103 |
4 |
A |
4 |
9 |
36 |
PHL 104 |
3 |
B+ |
3 |
8 |
24 |
MEL 105 |
4 |
F |
0 |
0 |
00 |
AML 106 |
4 |
C |
4 |
5 |
20 |
Total |
23 |
19 |
120 |
Total associated credits in the semester (total of column 2) = 23
Earned credits in the semester (total of column 4) = 19
Points secured in this semester (total of column 6) = 120
Points secured in the semester (120)
SGPA = --------------------------------------------------- = 5.22
Credit Units in Courses appeared (23)
CGPA is not applicable in first semester
Course code | Associated Course Credits |
Grade Awarded |
Credits earned |
Grade Point |
Point Secured |
(1) | (2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
MAL 201 | 5 |
A+ |
5 |
10 |
50 |
EEL 202 | 5 |
B |
5 |
7 |
35 |
CYL 203 | 5 |
C |
5 |
5 |
20 |
CYP 204 | 4 |
A |
4 |
9 |
36 |
MEL 205 | 4 |
B+ |
4 |
8 |
32 |
AML 206 | 5 |
B |
5 |
7 |
35 |
HUL 207 | 3 |
F |
0 |
0 |
00 |
Total | 31 |
28 |
44 |
208 |
Associated Credit Units in the semester (total of column 2) = 31
Earned Units in the semester (total of column 4) = 28
Cumulative points secured (total of points secured in 1st semester 120 and in II semester 208 ) = 328
Points secured in II semester (208)
SGPA = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 6.71
Credit Units of appeared courses in II semester (31)
Cumulative points secured in all passed course in I & II Semester (328)
CGPA = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 6.07
Cumulative Associated Credit Units in I & II semesters (54)
Minimum Academic Requirements:
7.5 and above
6.0 but less than 7.5
5.0 but less than 6.0
First class with Distinction
First Division
Second Division