Co-Curricular Activities
In these days of stiff competition - both national & international - the expanse of knowledge must extend much beyond the academic teaching - learning process in an institution. Holistic education is the apt word for development of career of the students. This is possible by engaging the students in guest lectures, seminars, conclaves, technical exhibitions etc. which can be classified as co-curricular activities.
As a matter of routine, the students are required to attend classroom lectures/practical labs as per the time-table. The time-table is finalized after carefully studying the requirement of the syllabi of any course. It is essential to comply with the requirements as per the syllabi designed by the University for obtaining a degree. However, due to time constraint, it is not possible to provide necessary input to the students on various subjects/ topics that are essential for 360° development.
Sanskriti University believes that there is urgent necessity of focusing on co-curricular activities along with regular teaching - learning process. Hence such activities are included in the academic calendar. Renowned academicians and industrialists are invited on regular basis to deliver lectures from which the students can learn a lot about industrial environment and also the requirements of higher education.

Besides the above, the University also organizes model exhibitions, technical paper presentation competition etc. as a part of co-curricular activities. Visit of the students to reputed research centers related to different courses are also arranged for providing an exposure about the methodologies of research.

Conducting Group discussed, quiz programmes on topic of general awareness as well as contemporary subjects, sports, economy etc. are regularly conducted. Mock-interviews are also conducted to enable students handle placement interviews with ease. Most of the activities are student driven and the faculty only act as their mentors.