Projects made by Sanskriti Students
Electric Vehicle

Students of BTech. (Mechanical Engineering), of Sanskriti University have developed an electric vehicle under the guidance of faculty member Mr. Shivam Agrawal. They conceptualized and manufactured the vehicle in the workshop of the department. The electric vehicles are the need of the hour as the fossil fuels are getting exhausted at an exponential rate. It is our moral duty to keep the environment green and conducive for living beings in alignment with Sustainable Development
Goals 4. The electric vehicle contains battery, motor, and allied mechanisms so that the users can use 80-120 kilometers per day after the battery gets fully charged depending on the charging level, load, and other related variables.
Students put their sincere efforts to develop this electric vehicle. They have shown their great engineering spirit and enthusiasm to develop this electric car. Students have shown their true potential by applying the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during the programme.
Automatic Robot

Students of B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering, Sanskriti University have developed an "Automatic Robot" under the guidance of faculty member -Ms. Shikha Parashar.
The robot was completely conceptualized and developed in the Departmental Workshop itself. As we are aware that Automation is the need of the future generation, the students have developed an automatic robot that can be useful for greeting purpose and environmental sampling. It has a number of features like motion detection and greeting via audio playback, joining hands, head movement, and detection of temperature, humidity, harmful gases on the LCD panel. It also has a warning system via alarm for gas leakage detection.
Students have put a lot of effort and time so as to develop this automatic robot. They have presented an optimal integration of knowledge, skills, competencies, engineering spirit, dedication, and enthusiasm in developing this automatic robot.
Solar Car

Students of B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, Sanskriti University have developed a "Solar Car" under the guidance of faculty Mr. Dharmendra Singh.
The Solar Car was completely fabricated and developed in the Departmental Workshop itself. As we know that Non-Renewable fules are in limited amount in Nature and therefore Renewable Energy based vehicle is the need of the future generation. Looking at the future aspect, students have developed the Solar Car . It has number of features like automatic charging and discharging of batteries that are connected to solar panel, high sensitive speed controller, high starting torque to overcoming the resistances and having large power storing capacity for overcoming bad weather conditions.
Students have put a lot of effort and time so as to develop the Solar Car. They have presented a very high engineering spirit, dedication and enthusiasm so as to develop this Solar Car.
Anti-Missile and Surveillance Robot

Students of B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, Sanskriti University have developed an "Anti-Missile and Surveillance Robotic Machine Gun" under the guidance of faculty member Ms. Shikha Parashar.
The Anti-Missile and Surveillance Robotic Machine Gun was developed in the Mechanical Department’s Workshop. As we are aware that Security issues and challenges on the border are increasing at an increasing rate. Therefore, keeping in mind the risk of loss of life of human beings employed in armed forces, students have developed this Automatic Anti-Missile and
Surveillance Robotic Machine Gun, useful for border security and defence purposes. The robotic machine gun is programmed so as to automatically shoot upon detecting any target by using AI-based sensor technology. It has GSM, GPS, camera and various other sensor systems installed for live tracking and Surveillance from a remote location.
Students have invested their productive time and have made sincere efforts in developing the Anti-Missile Robotic Machine Gun. They have presented a very high level of engineering spirit, dedication, and enthusiasm in developing this product.
Eco- Friendly Log machine from Cow dung

Students and Faculty of Sanskriti University developed an Eco Friendly Cow Dung log machine
B. Tech students of Sanskriti University have manufactured an Eco-friendly machine through which cow dung can be converted into logs. These logs can be used anywhere for fuel for the replacement of wood. The purpose of this machine is to reduce the use of natural wood, which can protect the forests, as well as sustain the environment. The students Chandra Kant, Rahispal and Faculty Mr. Shivam agrawal developed this machine in short duration under the supervision of Mr. Vincent Balu, Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Expressing joy at this innovation of the students, Hon’ble Chancellor, Sh. Sachin Gupta Ji said that students should be mentored to nurture their ideas to culminate in products and services for the citizens. During the Inauguration, OSD to Chancellor Dr. Meenakshi Sharma expressed her delight over the sincere efforts made by the students under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Vincent Balu. Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rana Singh congratulated the team of students and faculty members and he motivated the students and faculty members to build and sustain the culture of innovation and incubation in the University. The entire senior management of the University appreciated all contributions made by the students and faculty members to make the country self-reliant.
Solar Diya

The students and faculty members of the Mechanical Engineering Department have developed a SOLAR DIYA recently. This has a unique design made up of special wooden material which provides more strength and durability to the product. The product has 4 different sizes of discs fitted with LED strips around it. A solar panel of 12V and 9W capacity has been placed on the top of the product. Mr. Ashok, Mr. Chandrakant Gautam and Mr. Rahispal were involved in the work under the guidance of faculties of Dept of Mechanical Engg.
Innovative Bamboo Cycle

Students of B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, Sanskriti University have developed an "Innovative Bamboo Cycle" under the continuous guidance of members of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department.
The novel Bamboo cycle, was completely fabricated and developed in the Departmental Workshop itself, within a time span of 1 month. The cycle has come up with an innovative alternative material "bamboo" for its body and frame, which is sustainable, has a high strength to weight ratio and is very durable. Being made of bamboo not only makes it lightweight, but also eco-friendly and cost-effective. The fabrication of bamboo cycle, was not an easy task, infact was quite challenging, but was made possible with continuous efforts, dedication and hard work. They have presented a very high engineering spirit, dedication and enthusiasm so as to develop this innovative bamboo cycle.