Sanskriti University has conceptualized a unique ecosystem (Innovation, Incubation, Intellectual Property Rights, Entrepreneurship, known as IIIE system) for Higher education institutes in India.
Sanskriti’s unique IIIE Cell concept has been widely accepted in academic arena and many institutions have started to implement the idea.
The ecosystem in higher education

Focus of higher education should be on commercialization of knowledge and technology and to derive social and economic benefits. Commercialization of Technology does not necessarily require burning midnight oil and exceptional intelligence to discover or invent something new (reinventing wheels) rather to look at the existing knowledge base at a different angle and perspective.
Innovation gives a big result from small idea. Science, Technology, Management and Innovation need to be truly synchronized for Innovative eco system in higher educational institutes. The Innovative eco system will attempt to bring majority of the students to practice innovation and creativity through four stages in higher education so that economic benefit can be derived from the education arena.
The Innovative ecosystem is built on four pillars - conceiving the new idea (Innovation), nurturing the new idea with utmost care (Incubation), own the idea (apply for Intellectual property Rights) and commercialize the new idea (Entrepreneurship).

Mr. Paneerselvam, Principal Director, MSME, Agra inaugurating IIIE Cell along with Vice Chancellor, Sanskriti University
Objectives of the Cell
Idea is the most prized possession. Inculcating the innovative idea, nurturing the same for deriving commercial profit as well as to receive the full benefit of intellectual capital, creating sustainable growth for self, society and nation is the motto of the Sanskriti IIIE Cell.
Organizations associated with IIIE cell

Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmadabad

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME), PPDC, Agra

National Institute of Enterprise and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Noida

National Skill Development Corporation

National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN)

Wadhani Foundation

Council of Science and Technology (CST, UP)

Quality Council of India
Activities Promoted in IIIE cell
1. Spreading the Research to Practice:

Students and faculty visit Mustard Field (near Sanskriti University) for identification and solution of Pathological issues/ problems in agriculture field.
2. Inculcating the culture of Grass root Innovation

Students visit to Sugarcane Field near Sanskriti University
3. Explaining related Innovations like Frugal innovation, Disruptive innovation, Sustainable innovation, Resource constrained innovation, Jugad Innovation, Gandhian Innovation, Humanitarian innovation , User innovation, Indigenous innovation, Inclusive innovation, Social innovation, BOP innovation, Reverse Innovation etc. through seminar. Conference, workshop, demonstration etc. in which India has very strong conceptual as well implementation background.

Sanskriti students attending seminar on Recent Trends in Innovation
4. Sanskriti University is working with CST, UP (Council of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh) on IPR (Intellectual Property Right) awareness.

Vice Chancellor, Sanskriti University felicitating Dr. Sashi Rana, Joint Director, Council of Science & Technology, UP in IPR Awareness Programme.
Sanskriti University has conducted several IPR (Intellectual Property Right) Advance Level programmes for Faculty members, students .and other interested professionals
5. Sanskriti IIIE cell has established three Centres of Excellence (Robotics and Automation, CNC Machine, Ecological Farming) and also Agro based Entrepreneurship Development Cell in Sanskriti University in association with MSME. PPDC, Agra

After signing the agreement of Agriculture Based Entrepreneur cell in association with MSME Left- Right Vice Chancellor; Executive Director; MSME Principal Director; Honourable Chancellor; OSD to Hon’ble Chancellor; Deputy Registrar
6. The cell has adopted Village Taruli, and undertaken two projects (Developing and Managing Efficient Garbage Disposable System & Per Capita reduction in Energy consumption by at least 25 per cent) as part of Community Incubation

Faculty members of Sanskriti University with the village youth and old
7. Conducted more than a dozen Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps with support from EDII under DST-NIMAT project

Inaugural Ceremony of Three Day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp Sponsored by EDII, Ahmedabad. Left to Right: Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. Abhay Kumar; MSME Deputy Director Mr. Indrajeet Yadav and Prof. Nirmal Kundu
8. Conducting Entrepreneurship Development Programme under PMYUVA Scheme

9. Creating Awareness in Masses