Computer centre plays a very prominent role as computer system is now-a-days basic tool in teaching-learning process. In the present era, we cannot think of providing quality education without the aid of computers as articles, power-point presentation, papers written by different topics on different issues, lectures by eminent professors etc. are available for learning by downloading from the computers.
Setting up a computer centre requires proper designing of the layout of the systems, the servers, the space etc. Further, the computer centre is being manned by very competent system administrators who are keeping a close watch on the performance of the systems and, whenever necessary, take immediate steps to rectify the problems.
The University has planned the layout with a well thought-out design whereby all the labs are inter-connected within a specific area/location which helps in supervision, operation and maintenance. There are sufficient numbers of computers that cater to the needs of the practical learning process for students of different programmes. The seating arrangements for the students have been made by taking due note of the space required by each student to focus on the assigned jobs. All systems are connected on LAN and Wi-Fi facility is available throughout the campus including the hostels.