Sanskriti University Celebrated World Earth Day On April 22, 2017

"Let us spread literacy on every day for Environment and Climate"
On 22nd April, 2017 World Earth Day was celebrated at Sanskriti University. Earth Day celebration started with recitation of "Prathvi Sukta "(vedic mantra for peace on Earth).
On this occasion, Dr. Subodh Dubey, Director Holistic Development, explained the Origin, Motto and necessity of Environmental and climate preservation & protection. He motivated the audience by suggesting them to observe the Earth Day daily. He suggested so many ways by which one can spread awareness and start taking actions which will help in Environmental protection and preservation.
He requested the faculty members to appoint an "Eco Monitor" in their classes. His/her responsibility will be to switch off all the lights and fan whenever the class is over. The Eco- Monitor may be replaced after a fortnight to motivate and involve other students to act as Monitor.

He suggested them to clear all the junk mail from their computers, remove old notices from notice board, remove garbage in and around their offices, classes. This activity can be repeated in their homes, colony also. He emphasized the need for using energy efficient light sources. He also requested them to put water for animal and birds.
Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Associate Dean, questioned how much we have given to Earth? He said that we are always taking from earth. This is very alarming. The time is not far away when we will not be able to live on the earth. He appealed to the audience to make Sanskriti University campus, polythene free. He also asked them to ensure that everyone involves himself/herself in environmental issues.
Dr. D.K. Singh, Dean, explained about the global warming and depletion of Ozone layer. He suggested that scarcity of water can only be solved if every individual home adopts rain water harvesting.
Question Answer session was also conducted on this occasion. Dr.Subodh Dubey, Dr. Sanjeev and Dr. D.K. Singh provided necessary inputs, suggestions and explained the reasons and remedies, wherever necessary.