One Day National Seminar on Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa (Medical Astrology)
About Seminar
DAIVA VYAPASHRAYA CHIKITSA (A Unique Management in Ayurveda)
Yat Brahmande Tat Pindande Quotes ancient philosophical and yogic texts. It means, "ALL THAT IS OUTSIDE YOU IS WITHIN YOU" or our body is a miniature of this Universe. We all also know, "SARVAM DRAVYAM PANCHA BHOUTIKAM ASMIN ARTHE", All of us are made of five basic elements, whatever is there in the Universe.
Accepting this truth, Ayurveda has 3 main treatment modalities... Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa, Yukti Vyapashraya Chikitsa and Satvavajaya Chikitsa., where in Homa, havana, mani, mantra , japa, tapa aadhibhi i is mentioned in Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa.
For this, we have few references in our classical texts quoting... "GRAHESHU ANUGUNESHU" in Sadhya roga lakshanas, equally. "PRATIKOOLA GRAHA ARCHANAM" in Roga anuthpadaneeya adhyaya. We have many references too for the mantras recited to enhance the effect of the dravya or procedure.
There are very few Ayurvedic Practitioners who are into this Unique Divine Practice. To highlight this treasure hunt of Ayurveda, ONE DAY workshop is held to give share and spread this divine knowledge of Indian Science.
Date: 31st March 2023 Friday
Time: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Venue: Sanskriti Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Chhata, Mathura (U.P)
An Excellent Opportunity to know & learn Divine Science kept aside in Ayurveda Field.
Topics Covered
- Astrology and Ayurveda in Pregnancy.
- Know your Sensitivity and Strength, know the probable disease, analyzing your Kundali.
- Experiences and Knowledge Shared by Expertise Ayurveda Vaidyas Who are Practicing Ayur- Jyotisham.
- General practice in astrology in Ayurvedic practice.
Speakers are Eminent Ayurvedic Professors and Practitioners- in Different Branches of Ayurveda.
- Key Note Address : Dr Tanmay Goswami, Vice President
Sanskriti University, Chhata, Mathura (U.P) - Address The Gathering : Dr. M.B. Chetti, Vice Chancellor
Sanskriti University, Chhata, Mathura (U.P) - Dr. K.S.R Prasad, Principal,Prof. and HOD, Dept. of Panchakarma.
National College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Barwala, Hisar, Haryana - Sri. Hemang Joshi, Associate Prof., Dept. of Samhita & Siddantha,
Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Parul University, Gujarat. - Dr. Sapna.S, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of RS/BK
Sanskriti Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Chhata, Mathura (U.P)