Media Coverage

Sanskriti University organized a awareness Programme on Entrepreneurship

Posted on in Media Coverage · Sanskriti University

Sanskriti University organized an awareness Programme on entrepreneurship in association with MSME- PPDC Agra. The session was organized to learn about the SMSCs , how to operate it, and what are government schemes for starting a business. The aim of the Programme was to motivate students to choose a creative path in their life and become a leader of their own skills. M.K. Sharma (Asst. Director, MSME- PPDC Agra), Satvinder Kaur (sr. Statistical Officer), Tara Chand Chawla (Lead District Manager Canara Bank Mathura), Ramendra (Deputy Commissioner of Industries, DIC, Mathura) were the speakers of the session who gave a brief insight into how one can be an entrepreneur.

While interacting with students M.K. Sharma,  Said “Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. The most prominent example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. Entrepreneurship is an ever-expanding industry, it is the process of action and following small steps you can achieve the goal. You need to work on the plan, communicate it, and evolve it to make it a successful business.”

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