Medical & Allied Sciences

Reimage medical fields

Posted on in Medical & Allied Sciences · Sanskriti University

The Coronavirus crisis has highlighted new challenges that healthcare professionals are facing. Hence, there is need to upskill and reskill to stay competitive in a changing world, says SACHIN GUPTA

The COVID-19 has highlighted the deficiencies and challenges in our healthcare sector. Healthcare professionals are facing new obstacles and it shows us what we have done in the medical field so far is not enough. It has  become a global issue. Global problems require global solutions. As medical students, we are convinced that these skills and attitudes will be even more crucial in the coming years.

In the changing scenario, the role of the doctor must constantly evolve to meet the needs of an unpredictably changing environment and to fulfill the needs of society. Therefore, medical students should prepare to engage in such cases in the future. The COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on medical education worldwide, leading to the cancellation of lectures, clinical rotations, and ultimately the temporary closure of medical colleges and institutions.

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