Social Sciences

Know the Courses offered by School of Humanities & Social Sciences at Sanskriti University

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In this video, find out why Sanskriti University can be instrumental in building your career if you are an arts, humanities or commerce student.

Unlike the name of the school, the courses offered by this school is largely relevant to all streams of study, be it arts, humanities or commerce. The Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts courses offered by the School of Humanities & Social Science are relevant for anyone interested to build a career in general management, administration.

The specialized courses in Economics make them a lucrative choice for students who wish to make a career in the corporate world where there is an evergreen requirement for general management candidates who are good at analysis and are organized at work. Needless to say, a masters candidate in Economics always has a career option to become a qualified teacher. The courses offered by this school prepare the students to think analytically while solving problems while engaging them in the right kind of knowledge building.

The problem of plenty exists at large in the jobs market. A large number of candidates obtain BA, MA degrees though not all of them end up building a progressive career. A lot of this depends on the work put into their education at college. Another important factor is the environment of the college/university they study at. Often the universities in metropolitan areas are full of distractions. In this video, find out why Sanskriti University can be instrumental in building your career if you are an arts, humanities or commerce student.

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Sanskriti University