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Medical Astrology

Duration -

16 Online Classes
(only on Sundays, 07:15 to 08:15 AM)

Eligibility Criteria

Degree, diplomas, doctors, engineers, home makers

Fee -


Yatbrahmande tat pindande.... Quotes ancient philosophical and yogic texts. It means, "all that is outside you is within you" or our body is a miniature of this universe. We all also know, "SarvamDravyamPanchaBhoutikamAsminArthe", all of us are made of five basic elements, that exists in universe, Pruhvi, Ap, Teja, Vayu and Akasha.

Accepting this truth, Ayurveda has 3 main modalities of treatment....

Daivavyapashraya, Yuktivyapashraya and Satvavajayachikitsa.
Daivavyapashrayachikitsa is explained for karmajavyadhis (rogas), like Kushta, Arbuda, Apasmare, Unmada, where in homa, havana, mani, mantra, japa, tapa aadhibhi hi....

For this, we have few references in our classical texts. So, with medicines and rituals, quality of life can definitely be enhanced.
Thus, in this basic course, the idea about astrological planets and their relationship with the health and disease is taught, the basic knowledge can guide people to accept the fact and reality and to take care accordingly.

Aims and objectives of the course:

To give applied knowledge of jyotisha in health and diseases and management of them in the right direction.

Course Curriculum
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