Industrial Visit By School Of Agriculture Students At Iari, Pusa New Delhi
The students of School of Agriculture, Sanskriti University explored the National Agricultural Fair "Krishi Unnati Mela 2017" organized during March 15-17, 2017 at IARI, PUSA, New Delhi by ICAR-DARE, IARI supported by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
The main objective behind taking students to the visit was to go beyond academics. It gave students a practical perspective on the internal working of the Department of Agriculture. It provided them an opportunity to learn practically through interaction.
Leading companies from public and private sector displayed their products, technologies and services during the fair.
The students got the insight of things related to agriculture such as they experienced live crop demonstrations, protected cultivation of flowers and vegetables, display of exotic vegetables, fruits & cut-flowers, sale of seeds of high yielding variety, different types of farm machines and interface of the farmers with agro-industries personnel.
Shri Sachin Gupta, Chancellor, encouraged the students and extended his best wishes.
Prof P.C. Chhabra, Executive Director, stated that such visits help the students to associate theoretical knowledge with industrial