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Factory visit at Devyani food industries ltd

Knowledge completes its full circle when class room learning is supplemented by practical exposure. The BBA and B.Com students were taken to factory visit at Devyani Food Industries Ltd, Kosi Kalan with a view to give them the practical exposure of management styles and functioning of organization. Before proceeding for the factory visit, all the students were briefed about the company so that they can get the queries answered at the time of visit. On 18 February 2017, a team comprising 49 students along with three faculty members reached Devyani Food Industries Ltd at the scheduled time.

As soon as the team reached the company, they were welcomed by HR Manager and a brief detail of the company was presented to the students. Afterwards, they were guided to the production department where the head of production department explained about the organization structure and process of production of the company. All the employees were in uniform and followed all norms for making hygienic food product.

Finally, all students were divided into four groups of 12 students each. Each group was headed by one manager of company who helped them to understand how actual production is carried out in company and also how company tries to reach to the customers. Production in the company is carried out by means of machinery, subdivided into various activities like inspection of raw materials, mixing process, making jackets, packing the product and converting into finished goods. Finally, finished goods are sealed where production batch number is embossed for its future reference. It took almost four hours to see complete production process which was followed by number of questions by the students.

It is rightly said that 'See & know' is better than 'read & learn'. Students have got real feel of company's working after this visit. They got a chance to augment their theoretical knowledge with practical implication. This will even help students to understand subject matter clearly, in future.

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