A battle tank of Indian Army installed for display at Sanskriti Campus

A new chapter was added to the history of Sanskriti University when a battle tank, released by the Indian Army, was installed formally for display at Campus-II on 23rd February, 2018. As a wonderful generous gesture, the Indian Army deputed Brig. Ramanathan, Chief Engineer, Strike One, Mathura Cantt. (U.P.), to grace the inauguration programme as Chief Guest.
Display of the tank of Indian Army, the second largest armed force of the world, will be a source of inspiration not only for the students pursuing their studies in the university but also for the aspiring candidates (and their guardians) who will be visiting the campus with the idea of joining the university for pursuing higher studies. The tank will act as a continuous reminder to the students about commitment of the armed force in steadfastly protecting the sovereignty & integrity of the nation. There is huge opportunity of employment in the Indian army for students pursuing different courses.

After formal inauguration by unveiling the plaque fixed to the tank, Brig. Ramanathan addressed the students who were inspired by his words of wisdom. His address acted as a source of motivation for the students to serve the nation by joining the force and thereby contributing towards growth and development of the country. Brig. Ramanathan who is also the Chairman of Army Public School, Mathura Cantt., informed the students and faculty members present in the seminar hall that the soldiers of Indian army exhibit high degree of valour and, when needed, sacrifice their life for protecting the interest of the nation.
He also said that the government provides all facilities and encouragement to the employees of armed force so that the employees do not feel that they are left alone in their fight against other countries. In an era in which the technology enables the armed force personnel to hit the proverbial ‘bulls eye ‘with unfailing regularity, such surgical strikes facilitate achieving high degree of precision in their endeavour. He advised the students to be disciplined and sincere in whatever they do & assured them that the armed forces will always welcome those having a feeling of patriotism & willingness to join.

Mr. Sachin Gupta, Chancellor, Sanskriti University, thanked Brig. Ramanathan for sparing his valuable time and taking the trouble of coming to the Campus and gracing the programme. He said that the idea of installing a battle tank at the campus came to his mind while he was analyzing the prospect of employment of young work force in various sectors that can substantially contribute to Indian economy. He said that a substantial no. of students of the university should opt for joining the armed force.
Mr. Rajesh Gupta, Pro Chancellor, Sanskriti University, said that he was delighted to find the tank at the campus of the university courtesy Indian Army. He said that he is confident that the students will find this as a symbol of national pride that can influence young minds with thoughts of patriotism.
Prof. P. C. Chabra, Executive Director of the university, said that the battle tank will stand as a land mark in the annals of the university. He thanked the Chancellor for his initiative in having the tank installed .He also thanked Brig. S. Ramanathan for his inspirational address to the students.
Prof.(Dr.) D. Pathak, Vice Chancellor of the university, said that the tank will remind the students about the human values & ethics followed by the army personnel .He also said that the students will be immensely benefited by emulating their (employees of the army)disciplined manner of living the life.