
Sanskriti University signs MOU with EUCLID

Posted on in Education · Sanskriti University

Sanskriti University has signed an MOU with EUCLID (Pole Universitaire Euclide|Euclid University), a specialized intergovernmental organization. This collaboration will provide excellent career opportunities to the students in various departments of technology,  management etc.

EUCLID’s flagship program is its standard-setting online master in diplomacy and international affairs or MDIA which has qualified many diplomats globally. EUCLID also offers doctoral-level programs in diplomacy, sustainable development, and international public health, as well as a new joint degree program in international public administration. Headquartered in the United States, New York, France, and Africa, has been offering various programs at Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. The MOU will enable the students of Sanskriti University to pursue  various flagship programs offered by Euclid University and accumulate respective credits for the course/program pursued by them.

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