Sanskriti University


Posted on in Sanskriti University

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. If this were to be true, then we all should be very well aware as to what are the skills, values, morals, beliefs, habits and knowledge that a student is likely to possess after a specific number of years of education. What are the deliverables that the present education system is promising  to our children ? What are the short term and long term education objectives that have been determined ? What can we expect from the educated after a specific number of years?

With loads of information and data , children today have been made to feel as if they are totally in the unknown and that they need to learn from the text books which are the Gospels of truth and knowledge . Without going into how the syllabus has been structured to meet the larger objective, children burn the midnight oil to master the information. Some score 100 per cent and some 40 per cent. The student who scores 100 per cent develops the attitude that he knows it all and that the one with 40 per cent feels that if he were to master the books, it would give him taste of eternal knowledge.

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