Medical & Allied Sciences

Your Guide to Forensic Science Career | Forensic Science Colleges

Posted on in Medical & Allied Sciences · Sanskriti University

Forensic science is a branch of medical science that uses information from a wide variety of disciplines including Chemistry, Psychology, Biology, Physics and Information Technology. Forensic Science uses the combination of both science and law and gives unbiased scientific evidence that is used for unraveling criminal investigations. Forensic experts collect evidence from the crime scene and they use those shreds of evidence to solve crimes.
They play a very important role in any investigative team. To ensure the accuracy of all the evidence collected they rely upon their training, education, and experience. Communication skills are very important and so are their analytical and IT skills. Forensic scientists are very concerned about the minutest of details.

Career in Forensic Science after 12th

Read below about the different types of careers in Forensics:

Forensic Toxicologist Careers:
They analyze the bodily fluids of a person to determine the presence of drugs, poisons or chemicals. This helps them in identifying the cause of death and making reports regarding what a deceased person consumed before the occurrence of death.

Forensic Science Tech Careers:
These forensic techs work in big crime labs to analyze different evidences collected from the crime scenes. They go through the smallest to the biggest shreds of evidence such as fingerprints, slivers of glass, hair or fibers.

Forensic Pathologist Careers:
These pathologists are medically trained doctors who perform autopsies on victims to determine the actual cause of death and write reports that list the “manner of death”. They are supposed to have a keen eye to be able to determine the cause of death.

DNA Analyst Careers:
DNA can be found in blood, hair, or skin. DNA evidence is of utmost use in convicting suspects for crimes committed by them. Such DNA evidences need specialized training and the professionals are popularly called DNA analysts.

Digital Forensics Examiner:
This stream of forensic examination involves searching of a cell phone or hard drive as an evidence of a crime. Tests are performed on cloned devices. Devices are often forensically cloned. A written report is created and provided with the detailed information about any evidence found.

The above-mentioned details are a complete guide to make a decision for an individual that whether he/she should choose this as his career. Without a doubt, forensic science can lead to a very exciting and rewarding career. You will likely find a challenging role, but in the end, you will find yourself suitably rewarded.

Make a bright future in Forensic Science. Sanskriti university is one of the best forensic science colleges offering the best diploma, Management & Engineering, UG & PG courses. Know the diploma in engineering syllabus.
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