Cyber Security

Data science, Cybersecurity and the Metaverse Future of Higher Education

Posted on in Cyber Security · Sanskriti University

The article is written by Sachin Gupta, Chancellor Sanskriti University

Higher education is evolving continuously with the new age of digital exploration. Even though metaverse has been in existence for decades, it is now gaining heavy traction. Along with that, data science and cybersecurity are in trends and have also captured the attention of the IT world.

Cybersecurity, data science and the metaverse are exponential markets, where the global market size of cybersecurity is estimated to reach around $370 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 12% from $153.16 billion in 2020, while the global data science market is expected to value a little over $80 billion by 2027 with a CAGR of 11.1% and the global metaverse market is predicted to expand at a CAGR of 41.7% from 2021 to 2030.

With these next big technologies and fast-growing lucrative market, it is essential to reinvent the higher education of tomorrow to shape and future proof it with the advancing technologies like data science, cybersecurity and the metaverse.


Cybersecurity is a practice that aims to protect networks, systems and programs from harmful digital attacks. These attacks usually access, change or destroy information that is sensitive and use it to extort money or use it to disrupt the flow of business if any. Cybersecurity in higher education will play a crucial role as the data of the students as well as teachers are sensitive in nature and need to be protected when all the data is stored online. Since over the years attackers have developed many innovative ideas, it causes tension in the higher education system.

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