Medical & Allied Sciences

7 Things to Prepare for Medical Internship

Posted on in Medical & Allied Sciences · Sanskriti University

The Article is written by,

“Dr Vishal M Balaramnavar HOD Pharmacy Department School of pharmacy ” Sanskriti University

There are around 600 medical schools in the country as of 2020 with more than 50000 medical students passing out every year. The Internship year is a very important part of a medical student’s life before becoming a fully discovered medical professional. After studying for 4.5 years it is finally the time to put oneself to work. Internships give us the opportunity to learn so much more and enable a platform to put our studies into work. Being in a new place where you won’t have your friends or teachers anymore but patients and hospital staff is a huge shift. Here are some tips that one should follow to have a successful and calm internship.

Be Systematic

Being an intern, you would have a lot on your mind and since it is new, it is difficult to focus on many things at a time. For this, try to be systematic. Make a to-do list and try keeping a track of most of your work one by one. When in doubt or need assistance always be confident enough to ask for help from your seniors and observe how they have tabs on their devices to keep them systematic.

Know the basics

As an intern, if you do not know about diseases that are not common it is okay and is often unlooked at but it is important to learn the basics well that is knowing the Symptoms and practices of common diseases like nausea, how to control pain, and more. One of the ways to remember these practices is to refer to intern guides on the internet which gives you a lot of information.

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